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Youth Work Ireland Tipperary is a thriving volunteer led organisation working with our young people aged from 8 to 25 years and a network of locally based youth clubs throughout Tipperary and East Limerick. We are a youth service which is forward thinking, creative and passionate about exploring opportunities and facing challenges with our young people, and we place them at the centre of everything that we do.  We are strong and flexible, responding to local needs and linking with national and international practices to ensure that we continue to build on our history and experience and grow to be a leader in youth service provision. We see the potential in young people and will ensure that others do also.

Learn more about what we do at Youth Work Ireland Tipperary here

Recent Programme Development Areas

Block 1

International Youth Work

There is a world of opportunity out there for young people living in Tipperary and East Limerick.  We open up a range of projects, travel and work experience opportunities to our young people.





Read More About International Youth Work Here
Block 2

Health Promotion

Youth Work Ireland Tipperary is a Gold Standard Health promoting organisation. We have completed a quality process through the National Youth Council of Ireland, and all of our activities link to promoting our young people’s health. We have a range of specific activities that further our health promotion ethos.



Read More About Health Promotion Here
Block 3

Youth Employment

We lead the way in supporting young people to gain valuable and lifelong employment opportunities. We know that young people want to be in control of their own lives. Our youth employment programmes focus on helping young people gain the skills, experience and confidence they need to do just that.



Read More About Youth Employment Here
Block 4

Youth Participation

Young people are at the centre of everything we do. We need to ensure that they are leading our work, and are actively taking part in our organisation.  This is evident from our involvement in Comhairle na nOg, to our Junior Board of Management and the various structures within Youth Work Ireland Tipperary that give young people the platform to be involved.



Read More About Youth Participation Here

Youth Work Ireland

Youth Work Ireland Tipperary is affiliated to Youth Work Ireland, a federation of 22 Local Member Youth Services and a national office which combine and operate an Integrated Youth Services Model to which delivers a range of targeted projects, services, youth clubs and programmes to young people.  We are part of a network of over 150 projects and services and over 300 youth clubs across Ireland, engaging with over 100,000 young people, their families and the local communities. Youth Work Ireland is supported by over 7,000 trained and Garda Vetted volunteers.



Read More About What We Are Up To Here
CAO Change of mind and SUSI Priority Dates

CAO Change of mind and SUSI Priority Dates

Staff worker Pauline on a recent study trip in Slovenia.

Staff worker Pauline on a recent study trip in Slovenia.

Click on link below to view all. https://www.canva.com/design/DAGFgbt9QZI/1igNmXmYaYKueUZOJnGEpw/view?utm_content=DAGFgbt9QZI&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor

Job Advertisement – Youth Information

Job Advertisement – Youth Information

Youth Work Ireland Tipperary is a registered charity and voluntary youth work organisation. YWIT is leading provider of youth work...

Need more information?
We are here to answer your questions and talk through your options. Our online chat service for 16 to 25 year olds is available Monday to Friday, 4pm to 8pm. Chat to us now about your situation.

Chat now to a trained Youth Information Officer between 4pm and 8pm or leave us a message and we will email you back.