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Time To Move

Léargas Press Release
30 September 2020
Eurodesk Information Network launches Time To Move Campaign
What’s next for young people after the COVID-19 pandemic? Virtual volunteering? School exchange for a semester? Internships abroad? Eurodesk is ready to plan ahead with you.
There are many opportunities in Europe for young people from Ireland, especially those with fewer opportunities such as unemployed young people and early school leavers.
Working, studying, training or volunteering in Europe can be especially beneficial to young people struggling to find their place in society. But often this information doesn’t reach the people who need it most. The Time To Move campaign from Eurodesk, the Europe-wide information network for young people, aims to put this right.  
Time to Move will run across Europe in October. It will inform young people and those who work with them about opportunities to work, study, train and volunteer in Europe. The campaign also provides useful local contacts in the areas of Youth and European Information.

Hundreds of activities await participants in many European countries, including Ireland. All are free and listed by area on the Time To Move website.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many activities have been moved online for the health and safety of everyone. Any physical activities during Time to Move are organised with the upmost care and in accordance with the national and local regulations and the participants are asked to always make sure they get informed about the safety measures before attending events.
The Eurodesk Ireland network will hold diverse Time to Move events organised by its members from Youth Work Ireland, Crosscare, YMCA, Voluntary Service International, Spunout and Europe Direct. The events are open to young people (13-30) and will include workshops and information sessions on opportunities in Europe. They will also include EU quizzes and interviews with young people who took part in European volunteering programmes or studied abroad.
On 7 October, Eurodesk Ireland will hold an online networking event together with Europe Direct, EURES, Europass and Euroguidance. Members of these European Union information networks and services will discuss together the most effective cooperation methods during COVID-19, and into the future.
From 12 to 16 October a special Time to Move Campaign Week Youth Information Chat* service will be available from 4pm to 8pm Monday to Friday, to offer online support and advice on how to access European opportunities to 16 to 25-year olds, parents, and people who work with young people.
Young people will also be encouraged to leave a message outside of those hours and receive a reply by email.
(YI Chat is an online chat service operated in collaboration betweenYouth Work Ireland, YMCA Ireland, Crosscare and SpunOut.ie)
Locally in Tipperary Eurodesk we are having our annual European quiz nights via zoom on 2nd/ 9th October. We also have a very special zoom on Thursday 21st Oct to promote European Solidarity Corps which is a programmer where young people aged 18-30 can volunteer in another EU country, some of our returned volunteers will share their experiences and local girl Natasha Downey will tell us about her time in Finland and her new role promoting volunteering. To register for these zoom events email
More about Eurodesk:
More than 1,200 youth professionals work with Eurodesk in Europe to raise awareness among young people about mobility opportunities and to encourage them to become active citizens. As a support organisation to the EU education and training programme Erasmus+, Eurodesk provides comprehensive and accessible information on learning mobility to those who work with young people. Eurodesk youth information workers always make sure that the information they channel is relevant and timely.  Eurodesk is managed in Ireland by Léargas.
For more information, contact:
Malgorzata Fiedot-Davies, Eurodesk Ireland Coordinator  or locally  Pauline Strappe – Eurodesk Tipperary part of YWIT Information

www.leargas.ie / www.eurodesk.ie  
