0504 23426

Health Promotion

We are a gold standard health promoting organisation under NYCI’s Health Promotion Quality Standards. Part of this achievement means that health promotion is part of everything that we do, and we keep it to the front of our planning and delivery of programmes and services. Health promotion is a key element of our strategic plan.

Block 1


To support and nurture young people, their talents, skills and experiences (Youth Engagement and Development)

Block 2


To achieve a balanced range of service delivery so that a broad range of young people are attracted to take part.

Block 3


Deliver a balanced programme of youth work that is directly linked to the Ottawa charter

Promoting the Ottawa Charter

We promote the five key elements of the Ottawa Charter throughout our activities and also through specific pieces of work.

Block 1

Strengthening Community Action

  • ContribYOUTH
  • GLO- CAL
Block 2

Developing Personal Skills

  • Activ8
  • Snow White and the 7 Mental Health Helpers
Block 3

Building Healthy Public Policy

  • Our involvement in local policy making agencies
  • Local Community Development Committee (County Council)
  • Children and Youth People Services Committee
Block 1

Creating Supportive Environments

  • Our youth projects and clubs
  • Our buildings and staff
Block 2

Reorienting Health Services

  • Supporting the development of Jigsaw in Tipperary
  • Participation in the Connecting for Life Strategy

Our Health Promotion Statement

Youth Work Ireland has undergone extensive work to become a Gold Standard health promoting organisation. We have an active statement that outlines what it means to us to be a health promoting organisation.

Click here for the summary statement