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According to the “Youth & Covid-19: impacts on jobs, education, rights and well-being” survey, 5️⃣0️⃣% of young people aged 18-19 are possibly subject to anxiety or depression, while 17% are probably affected by it 😣

With the pandemic, a vast amount of youngsters experienced anxiety or depression for the first time. You are not alone in this. 📣 Ask for help! 

In 2021, youth info #mindmymind #EYID2021

In the last year, a lot of expectations were put on young people.

Stay home, contribute to the house chores, don’t give up on your studies, maintain your friendships but limit your social contacts… Isn’t it too much pressure for someone that is barely starting to walk into adult life?

Definitely, yes, IT IS.

But, does anybody care about their mental health? 🤔 Fortunately yes!

Youth information services are always a support body to count on when you are not feeling well mentally or emotionally. We offer a safe space and time to express yourself freely and with no judgment. Find the nearest youth info centre or point and visit us!

From 1 April, the link www.eryica.org/eyid-2021 will be active. In this page you will find an
introduction for the EYID 2021 as well as some of the materials. This is a useful link to
redirect any who wants to know more about the campaign.
