What Youth Work Ireland Tipperary means to me? A youth workers perspective.
Everyone remembers a great school teacher, a super coach or an amazing youth worker but how does it feel to be that youth worker in a young person’s life? Well, it’s pretty simple actually…. It feels awesome.
At Youth Work Ireland Tipperary we work with over 3600 young people on a yearly basis. One of our main objectives is to provide our young people with opportunities to shape their own future. We do this by giving them our time, our time whether it is one to one support or through group work. It’s said the greatest gift you can give someone is your time because when you give your time you are giving a portion of your life that you will never get back, your time is your life. That is why the greatest gift you can give someone is your time. And that is what is so awesome.
All young people need a little help, a bit of hope and somebody who believes in them, but what about the youth workers? Here at Youth Work Ireland Tipperary we get the same, our CEO Cora Horgan believes in us and guides us while our young people instil hope in us.
Our youth workers are intelligent, inspiring, courageous and empathetic all the time, this is tough, but as the song goes we “ get by with a little help from our friends” and that’s what we are, friends. There is nowhere else you can work with a team so closely and so directly while helping young people and seeing the progress we make together. It’s a home away from home, and there hasn’t been a day since I worked here that I haven’t loved coming to work. Nobel laureate Pearl S. Buck says “To find joy in work is to discover the fountain of youth” and that we have done and continue to do so.
Youth Work Ireland Tipperary We Rock.
By Zoe Gogarty, Youth Worker