What’s in a name? Why we changed to Youth Work Ireland Tipperary!!!
So we’re now a month or so into our new name change. From an initial phase of excitement (and nervousness) we’re now a bit more settled – but not fully used to the change yet! There’s often a bit of stuttering, muttering and an awkward laugh when someone – often ourselves – gets the name wrong!! But we’re getting there. And we’re not going back! I’m fully committed to the name change, my staff colleagues are, the young people in our projects and clubs are and our board of directors are! So Youth Work Ireland Tipperary is here to stay!
I get asked a lot ‘why did you change?’ ….. ‘what does this mean?’ …….. ‘are you not creating more hassle for yourselves?’ …….. ‘we liked the old name!!’ . Well it’s simple really. We are a member of Youth Work Ireland – a national federation of youth services around the country – there are 22 of us you know! Between the 22 youth services, we work on a weekly basis with more young people than any other youth organisation and we here in Tipperary are proud to be involved and believe that more people should know about what we and our colleagues are doing. And a good step in this direction is actually officially acknowledging it! We’ve had young people moving to Tipperary (why not – it’s a great place to live!!) and either being introduced by their old youth service, or seeking us out because they were involved somewhere else. And the great thing about the various youth servies is that even though we share a similar ethos , we are still independent, shaped by our local communities and working to deliver a locally based service. Tipperary shares many common things with other counties – but we are proud of our differences also and Youth Work Ireland Tipperary reflects those differences. Whether its our work with local towns and rural communities, our new ventures in gaming, technology, health promotion or international work, or the partnerships we have with local organisations and schools, we combine these with national learning and support to provide a top rate youth service – and you’re all welcome in our doors!!! Hope that explains the change !!! Now if I could only stop people shortening it to YWIT ……………. It’s Youth Work Ireland Tipperary folks, or if you are really challenged for space YWITipp! #tippyouth #ForYOUnow!
Cora Horgan
CEO Youth Work Ireland Tipperary