NEW GLOCAL Youth Advisory Panel.
Could you be the young person we are looking for ???
Youth Work Ireland Tipperary’s Glocal Project is looking for 5 young people who want …
– have a say on the local and global influences that are impacting the lives young people in 2021
– look at topics such as justice, equality, human rights, SDGs and interdependent nature of world we live
– explore solutions for a more just and better world
– Discuss options and give the direction for the future of Glocal Project and Global Youth Work within YWIT
Is this YOU ???
If YES …. Then why not considering joining our NEW GLOCAL Youth Advisory Panel.
The panel will meeting 4-6 times a year in person or online depending on covid rescrition.
Please contact Cate, our Glocal worker on 087-9100727 by the 31st of July.
For more information about the Glocal project check out YWIT website HERE