Participation to me…
I began my journey of participation 9 years ago when I was 8 years old and little did little me know that today I would be able to say I have travelled to Greece, addressed an international report launch, presented to an Oireachtas committee, host a national conference and be chair of my local Junior Board.
Participation to me isn’t a job, participation is a hobby that I enjoy, it is something I can turn to when I’m having a down day and know that my work will free my mind or the friends I have through participating will be there to listen.
Participation to me is opportunities and friends. 5 years ago I had a group of 4 friends, now I have friends all over the world let alone my town. The friends I have made on Junior Board and through Youth Work Ireland Tipperary in general are lifelong friends, The youth workers I have dealt with are the most amazing and inspiring people I will forever be grateful to and I will never forget and hope to never lose. We are all involved because we enjoy being involved.
Participation to me is being the best person I can be, through my life skills, personality, and maybe even inspiring someone else to aim high and work hard for them achievements. Being involved with Youth Work Ireland Tipperary has leaded me to be involved with UNICEF, The Children’s Rights Alliance, Youth Work Ireland, Spun out and the National Youth Council of Ireland, this is how I show everyone what I love and what I enjoy. This is how I be an active citizen, I may be too young to vote but I don’t hesitate in having my voice heard through these groups and showing our leaders and decision makers what we as Young People want.
Participation to me…. is who I am.
Danielle Gayson, member of Cashel Neighbourhood Youth Project, Youth Work Ireland Tipperary Junior Board of Management and Youth Work Ireland National Youth Advisory Committee amongst a range of other talents!!