Nenagh EDIC Soapbox 2020

Europe Direct Soapbox Competition Rules 2020
This competition is open to all residents in the Republic of Ireland.
Contestants will compete in one of two categories: 1) 18 and under; 2) 19 and over. A regional winner from each category will be selected to go forward to the national final.
Contestants will deliver and record a video speech of no more than 3 mins in length relevant to the soapbox topic, in favour or against the motion. Inappropriate content or language will result in automatic disqualification.
To enter the competition, contestants will submit an official application form which is available at or email
To enter each contestant simply uploads a pre-recorded video file of their 3 minute speech to the following link
During the recording, each contestant must wear a badge/ sticker with their name and the category in which they are competing.
All speech recordings will be assessed by a panel of judges and equal marks awarded for content, delivery, structure and overall impact. The decision of the judges is final.
There must be at least two contestants in each category for the competition to proceed.
Previous winners are not eligible to enter in the same category the year immediately after winning the regional competition.
Each EDIC will run an online event where the regional winners are announced, and the regional winning entries are played.
The regional winning entries will be submitted to the national final. A national panel of judges will review regional winning entries in advance of the national final which will take place on Wednesday 9th December, 2020. All entries will be played and the winners will be announced live during the event.
The deadline for receipt of application and pre-recorded video of the speech is 5pm, Wednesday 18th November.
In light of COVID-19 restrictions, winners prizes cannot be presented in person at the time of the regional event and will be made available to the successful entrants as soon as possible following the event, having regard to national COVID-19 guidelines.
Images from the event may be used for promotional purposes by the EDIC.